Vandoren Optimum Silver Bass Clarinet Ligature
Vandoren Optimum Silver Bass Clarinet Ligature
The Vandoren Optimum. I personally play the black version of this ligature (and played the Silver version before it) because it's just a great piece of gear. It's not fussy like many other ligatures, lets the reed vibrate (and you have three reed plates to choose from which sliiiiightly change the response of the ligature), and it's a great value. Seriously, there is no need for expensive ligatures like these.
But you don't want a piece of crap either.
so sieht es auf einem vandoren b40-mundstück aus!
Have a look in 360°!
Got this for my little brother because he is trying out for first chair. He says that the projection is nice and the tone is excellent, but the best part is the ease of articulation. supposedly it makes putting the notes out easier and more consistent. Thank you earspasm. ^_^